Kowhai Room
2 years - 3.5 years
In this age group children go through a stage of growing their independence. We support our tamariki through this by allowing them to explore their autonomy. We allow them to freely and independently explore the world around them, initiating their own learning and care moments and we encourage them to try new things.
Our classroom is set up to be a safe and secure environment where children can explore and take the lead. We provide resources that are appropriately designed for children to aide in fostering their independence. We have an expansive outdoor environment where we promote active movement through obstacle courses, bike tracks and physically active games.
In the Kowhai room children are discovering that they are their own person and what that means when interacting with others. At this stage tamariki are developing a lot of communication skills as they start to play with one another and navigate how to share their wants and needs.
Some of the daily learning experiences we offer include construction, role play and dress ups, sensory and messy play and art which we tie in to the current interests of the children.